Dr. Povilas Rimkus
Workplace, position: Public organization Jieznas Primary Health Care Centre, Director
Home Address: Gabijos Str. 63- 5, Vilnius; tel. 8 698 12303
Date and place of birth: 30 November 1943, Rokiškis
Nationality/Citizenship Lithuanian
Profession: Physician
Education, certificate C Nr. 084835, issued on 1967-06-24,
Language skills: Lithuanian, Russian, German
Lithuanian State awards, data of delivering (since 1918) Honoured health care servant (1916)
Total work experience: 49 years
- 1959-06-01- 1961-08-30 Kaunas Sanitary Epidemiologic Station, disinfector
- 1961-09 – 1967-06 Student, Kaunas Medical Institute
- 1967-07- 1969-11 General physician, Balbieriškis Suburb Hospital
- 1969-11- 1977-07 General physician, Jieznas I District Hospital, Prienai district
- 1977-07- 1986-02 General physician, Kupiškis District Hospital
- 1986-02- 1989-06 General physician, Republican Blood Transfusion Station
- 1989-06- 1990-09 Chief specialist, Ministry of Health;
- 1990-10- 1991-03 Chief of medical department, Ltd.
Ekoliet - 1991-04- 1991-09 Director, Ltd. Astėjas
- 1991-10- 2004-10 Director, Ltd. Apiterapija
- In 1993 established Lithuanian Apitherapy Association, President, since 2011
Vicepresident . - 2004-11- 2011-10 Director, Public Organisation (PO) Kupiškis District Hospital
- 2011-11- 2013-11 Director, PO Health education institute
- International Federation of Apitherapy (IFA), since 2012 Board member, Chairman of Ethics Commission
- Since 2013-12-02 PO Jieznas Primary Health Care Centre, Director; true member of Lithuanian Physician Association
- Former member of the Lithuanian Epileptology and Neurology Association, International Association of Transfusiology