Prof. Antanas Gendrolis (Lithuania)
IFA Expert
Professor Antanas Gendrolis is the author of following monographs: “Propolis”, “Honey for Human Health”, “Pollen and Bee Bread”, “Royal Jelly and Bee’s Wax”, “Long and Healthy Life Using Bee Products”, “Steam bath – a Source of Health and Beauty”, “Propolis – a Cure from the Hive”, “Propolis – a Natural Medicine”, and “Honey and Human Health.”
Two products created from bee products have been awarded gold medals at international exhibitions, and one of them is exported to England and Japan.
Co-author of 19 inventions and 14 patents.

Professor Mamdouh Abdulmaksoud Abdulrhman
IFA Expert Member
Professor Mamdouh Abdulmaksoud Abdulrhman, Professor of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, AIN SHAMS University, Abbasia, Cairo, Egypt. Professor Mamdouh is expert in the use of honey and propolis against diseases in children and also a world expert in the intra-venous administration of honey.

Professor Jozef Simuth
IFA Expert Member
Professor Jozef Simuth, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Laboratory of Molecular Apidology, Institute of Forest Ecology, Zvolen, Bratislava, Slovakia. Prof. Simuth is an expert in the biochemistry of royal jelly.

Professor Nestor Urtubey (†)
IFA Expert Member
Prof. Nestor Urtubey from Argentina.
Prof. Urtubey is an expert in the biology and biochemistry related to bee venom and author of several articles and books on this topic. In his books, he explains very well the biopharmacological effects of the substances present in bee venom which allow all of us to better understand the bee venom’s mechanisms of action, its properties, indications and contra-indications.

Tiago Guardia
PhD at Brock University – Canada
Tiago Guardia is a visionary and innovative professional with experience in research & development, neuroscience, healthy living & healthy aging, business development, and apitherapy. In addition to conducting scientific research, he also offers therapeutic and educational services in the field of apitherapy.
Over the past decade he has been studying the therapeutic properties of the products of the beehive, and in the past few years he developed a passion for the beehive air therapy. He made a study on the composition of beehive air that has been presented at various international beekeeping and apitherapy events. Currently, he is working for the validation of the beehive air therapy in modern science through the development of clinical research.
References (related to Bee Hive Air Therapy):
- Silva, TGS; Bustillos, OV; Amaral, P; Motta, LB; Praxedes, LA. (2018). Therapeutic inhalation of beehive air – Characterizing the volatile components present in the air of beehive of Apis mellifera species [Unpublished Bachelor’s of Science Tesis]. Paulista University – Brazil.
- Silva, TGS; Bustillos, OV; Amaral, P; Motta, LB; Praxedes, LA. (2019). Therapeutic inhalation of beehive air – Characterizing the volatile components present in the air of beehive of Apis mellifera species. 46th International Apicultural Congress – Symposium: Apitherapy from Science to Practice – Session: Validation of Apitherapy in Modern Medicine. Montreal-Quebec, Canada.

Prof. Niraldo Paulino
Profesor in Clinical Phytotherapy and Clinical Pharmacy (Brazil)
Prof. Niraldo Paulino is coordinator of Medical Lex/ISEPE Specialization courses in Clinical Phytotherapy and Clinical Pharmacy (2012-current).
CEO and Business Director of Medical Lex Gestão de Informação e Cursos Ltda.
Has experience in Pharmacology, with emphasis on Biochemical and Molecular Pharmacology of Medicinal Plants and Propolis.
Acting mainly on the topics: Mechanism of action of Medicinal Plants and Natural Products, inflammation and its pharmacodynamic mechanisms.