CHAPTER I: Name, form, period, home office, mission and goals.
Art. 1. Under the name of INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION of APITHERAPY (I.F.A.), the members signing the Articles of Incorporation, have decided the admission of these Bylaws, which govern the organization manner and operation of the Federation, pursuant with O.G. Nr. 26/2000 provisions, issued by the Romanian government, in the matter of associations and foundations.
Art. 2. The INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION of APITHERAPY (I.F.A.) is a nonprofit, legal entity of Private Law, formed by Apitherapy Associations/Societies, Institutions, Companies, Groups and individuals from several worldwide countries.
The members of the INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION of APITHERAPY(I.F.A.) will keep their own legal personality, autonomy, and property.
Art. 3. The operational period of the International Federation of Apitherapy is indefinite.
Art. 4. The home office for the International Federation of Apitherapy is the Romania Republic, Principala street nr. 106A, sat Mereni, Conţeşti municipality, Dâmboviţa county.
The home office might be changed by decision of the I.F.A. General Assembly.
Art. 5. The official languages of the International Federation of Apitherapy shall be: English, Spanish, French, German and Romanian. The number of official languages may increase through time, whenever more members that speak a certain language request the admittance to I.F.A.
Art. 6. The main mission of the International Federation of Apitherapy consist in collecting, analyzing, processing and transmitting national and international data and methods related with the apitherapy field to all members of the Federation, as well as the general public. The International Federation of Apitherapy intends to help to the development and broadcasting of Apitherapy both as useful method in the prophylaxis as in the therapeutical field, using all beehive products. In order to fulfill its mission, the I.F.A. will be based on the new discoveries of the allopathic modern medicine, as well as on the integrative, complementary medicine that uses natural therapies such as the diet therapy, phytotherapy, aromatherapy, acupuncture, Ayurveda, and additional related ones.
Art. 7. In order to fulfill the mission, the International Federation of Apitherapy will develop its activities according to the following goals:
a. apitherapy promotion in all its different aspects: scientific, technical, social, and economic;
b. the creation of an international apitherapy library, in electronic format (e-library), both in Internet, as well as in DVD format and in any other means of data storage and transmission;
c. the development of apitherapy protocols, according to the specific needs and individual characteristics of ill people, using all the beehive products for their treatment;
d. formation of professionals in the apitherapy field;
e. ongoing relationship with the regional, national and international beekeeping associations and federations like Apimondia and the Asian Apicultural Association in order to be able to continuously learn from beekeepers and offer them afterwards advice so as to obtain clean and medically efficient beehive products;
f. organization of congresses, symposiums, seminars, workshops, round tables and any other type of events, for scientific and practical purposes, at every I.F.A. member countries;
g. counseling and coordination in order to obtain the legalization of Apitherapy in the national territory of each member country;
h. promotion and cooperation among all I.F.A. members;
i. protection of the activity and legal rights of the I.F.A. members.
The Members of the International Federation of Apitherapy.
Conditions. Rights. Obligations.
Art. 8. The Members of the International Federation of Apitherapy.
All Apitherapy Associations, Institutions, Companies, Groups and individuals, from several worldwide countries, interested in the apitherapy, which comply with the I.F.A. articles of incorporation, or those that later on request in written their enrollment in the Federation are deemed I.F.A. members.
Art. 9. I.F.A. members may have the following grades:
a. Founding members – Founding members are all those apitherapy associations/societies involved in the creation of the International Federation of Apitherapy and getting the founding member grade as per the regulation of these Bylaws.
b. Full members – Full members are all those apitherapy associations/societies enrolled later in the International Federation of Apitherapy, getting the full member grade as per the regulation of these Bylaws.
Art. 10. Both the founding and the full members shall have the same rights, shall be represented by their legal representatives and shall have the right to speak and vote.
Art. 11. Getting the I.F.A. full member grade.
In order to get the full member grade, the application should contain the following documents:
- official request containing the following data:
o name of the association/society;
o address;
o management bodies;
o name and address of the legal representative;
o date, signature and stamp;
- the association’s articles of incorporation (copy);
- its Bylaws (copy);
- the definitive and irrevocable judicial resolution granting legal personality (copy);
- the inscription certificate in the registry of associations (copy);
- the identity card of the legal representative (copy);
- decision of the Management Board of the association to afiliate to I.F.A. (original document);
- legalized power of attorney from the legal representative of the association towards the Secretary General of I.F.A. to update the list of the I.F.A. members at the competent authority of Dambovita Court from Romania (original document).
All above-mentioned documents must be sent first by e-mail (as scanned documents) and afterwards by regular mail (as original documents) to the I.F.A. Secretary General, who shall check their compliance in order to get the member grade. Then, the Secretary General shall hand the documentation over to the I.F.A. Executive Council that shall be qualified to approve the enrollment.
The enrollment application approval shall be communicated in written to the applying member, within a maximum time period of 30 days from the approval date, issuing a Certificate qualifying the individual/entity as member.
Art. 12. I.F.A. member grade may be lost due to the following reasons:
a) Disenrollment from the Federation;
b) Association dissolution;
c) Exclusion as Federation member.
Art. 13. The request for disenrollment from the Federation shall be made in written to the General Secretariat.
Art. 14. I.F.A. members have the following rights:
a. to exert the rights granted by these Bylaws and by the internal regulations, standards and decisions made by the Federation;
b. to participate in I.F.A. organized activities: round tables, workshops, symposiums, conferences, congresses;
c. to participate with their representatives at the I.F.A. General Assembly and exert the right to speak and vote;
d. to have elected representatives within the Federation bodies;
e. to submit proposal or projects to the Executive Council and to the General Assembly for their completion;
f. to start projects for the creation of resolutions and to participate in their preparation;
g. to be informed about the Federation activity and results;
h. to participate to the I.F.A. communication systems via e-mail;
i. to request the involvement in the website construction, to communicate through the website and to benefit from the publishing of its contents.
Art. 15. I.F.A. members have the following obligations:
a. to respect Bylaws, regulations, standards, and resolutions made by the Federation;
b. to observe and defend the image and reputation of the I.F.A., as well as of its management bodies and representatives;
c. to pay in full the financial obligations to the Federation complying with its terms and conditions; the yearly payment will be set by the General Assembly;
d. to promote the benefits of apitherapy in member countries and at a global level, through all the possible communication media;
e. to promote the collaboration and cooperation spirit in order to comply with the I.F.A. mission and goals;
f. to cooperate and design environmental conservation plans and programs, for the purpose of protecting bees and medicinal bee plants, so they are included as development plans in their corresponding countries and all of the world.
Art. 16. The I.F.A. General Assembly may grant the title of Honorary Member to celebrities that deserve a special award due to their contribution to the apitherapy development. Honorary members are exempt from paying the yearly payment, but they do not have the right to vote. Honorary members have the rights detailed in art. 14 sections b, e, g, h, i and the obligations foreseen by art. 15 sections a, b. and e.
Art. 17. The I.F.A. is open to collaboration with:
a. public and private institutions, commercial firms, associations and groups developing activities related indirectly to apitherapy (apiculture,diet therapy, phytotherapy, aromatherapy, acupuncture, Ayurveda, etc.) and wanting to cooperate with the I.F.A. for the compliance of its mission and goals; during the cooperation, these entities will hold the title of Institutional Member.
b. scientists and professionals with broad experience in the apitherapy field or related fields, from any country of the world, that share their knowledge and expertise with the I.F.A. members. For their collaboration, these individuals will receive the title of Expert Member. Expert members are exempted from paying the yearly payment, but they do not have the right to vote.
c. natural persons working directly or indirectly with the apitherapy and wanting to collaborate with the I.F.A., contributing to the Federation goals and mission. For their collaboration, these persons will receive the title of Individual Member.
Art. 18. Collaborators may participate at the I.F.A. Commissions and Support groups, may publish articles and specific documents in the IFA website.
Art. 19. Collaborating members (institutions, experts and individuals) shall sign a commitment document with the I.F.A. in which the collaboration conditions will be stated.
Art. 20. Collaborating members (institutions, experts and individuals) shall observe the rights detailed in art. 14 sections b, e, g, h, i and the obligations set by art. 15 sections a, b, c, and e.
CHAPTER III. Bodies of the International Federation of Apitherapy
Art. 21. The I.F.A. bodies are the following ones:
- The General Assembly
- The Management Board
- The Executive Council
- The Permanent Commissions
- The Support Groups
- The Permanent Secretariat
- The Censors Commission
- The Legal Advisor.
Art. 22. The General Assembly is formed by the I.F.A. founding and full members with voting rights.
Art. 23. The Management Board is formed by:
- The President
- Vice-President
- The Secretary General
Art. 24. The Executive Council is formed by:
- The members of the Management Board.
- The Presidents of the Apitherapy Associations/Societies enrolled in the I.F.A.
- The Presidents of the Permanent Commissions.
Art. 25. The Permanent Commissions are:
- Human and Dental Medicine Commission
- Naturopathic Medicine Commission
- Veterinary and Animal Breeding Commission
- Biology and Biochemistry Commission
- Pharmacology Commission
- Medicinal Bee Plants Commission
- Apiculture Commission
- Quality Control of Medicinal Bee Products Commission
- Educational and Training Commission for Professionals in Apitherapy
- Ethics Commission
- Financial Inspection Commission.
Art. 26. The Support groups shall have the following activity goals:
- Broadcasting, press relationships, and advertisement of the I.F.A. activity;
- Internet exposure and broadcast at virtual space;
- The creation, management, and maintenance of apitherapy networks;
- The relationship with other associations/partnerships with similar profile;
- The collaboration with sponsors, whether individuals, companies or organizations, public or private institutions and governments, in order to obtain the necessary funds for the favorable operation of the I.F.A.
Art. 27. The I.F.A. Permanent Secretariat shall operate in Romania.
Art. 28. The Censors Commission ensures the internal financial control of the Federation.
Art. 29. The Legal Advisor shall provide legal aid to the I.F.A. based on a collaboration contract.
CHAPTER IV. Competences and attributions of the I.F.A.’s bodies.
Art. 30. The General Assembly, formed by the I.F.A. founding and full members with voting rights, is the utmost authority and I.F.A. management body.
The General Assembly shall be responsible for:
a) appointing the Management Board, the Executive Council and the Permanent Secretariat;
b) election of the Presidents and Vice-Presidents of the Permanent Commissions;
c) appointing the Censors Commission;
d) endorsing the appointment of the Auditing Body;
e) appointing the legal advisor;
f) choosing the location of the forthcoming I.F.A. Congresses;
g) appointing Honorary Members;
h) accepting new Members;
i) revoking membership;
j) approving the budget and financial report;
k) establish all members’ enrollment and annual fees;
l) approve the Bylaws and Internal Regulations, as well as change/amend them;
m) approving co-operation with other organizations;
n) approving the relocation of the I.F.A. permanent secretariat if this will become necessary;
o) adopting deliberations on measures necessary to fulfill the resolutions;
p) dissolving the I.F.A., the appointment of the liquidator and the use of the assets.
In order to do all these actions, the vote of half plus one of the funding and full members is required.
Art. 31. The Ordinary General Assembly shall be held biannually, during the biannual Congress of the Federation.
The Extraordinary General Assembly shall be held whenever necessary and shall be summoned by initiative of the Secretary General or the Executive Council.
The General Assembly shall have quorum whenever half plus one of the funding and full members are present and shall adopt its decisions by simple majority of present votes.
The participation of the members with voting right in the ordinary or extraordinary General Assembly may be conducted also by video, teleconference, or any other communication mean, including but not limited to email, Skype, etc.
Art. 32. Every member with full rights (founding or full member), will be represented in the General Assembly by a delegate with right to speak and vote.
If a Member is unable to attend the General Assembly, such Member is entitled to authorise another Member to vote by proxy on its behalf, by sending the relevant form to the General Secretariat at least two weeks prior to the Assembly.
Art. 33. The ordinary or extraordinary General Assembly shall appoint the Presidents and the Vice-Presidents of the Permanent Commissions. For this purpose, each funding or full member is requested to submit the detailed Curriculum Vitae of the candidates of their own countries, with at least one month in advance, for their comprehensive review by the Administrative Board. The Curriculum Vitae of the candidates will be published in the I.F.A. website and after that they shall be submitted to the General Assembly also for the final decision.
Art. 34. It is the General Assembly competence to determine the Commissions’ activities that shall be related with the I.F.A. missions and goals.
Art. 35. The General Assembly shall approve the reports regarding the activities of the different Federation bodies.
Art. 36. The President of the I.F.A. shall chair the General Assembly. In case of absence, the Vice-President or the Secretary General shall replace him/her.
Art. 37. The Management Board is the first I.F.A. executive authority and shall be held liable in front of the General Assembly for the organization and development of the I.F.A. activities.
Art. 38. The Management Board shall prepare the schedule, the agenda, and the instruction for the General Assembly, with at least 6 months in advance to its completion.
Art. 39. The election of the President and Vice-President of the Management Board shall be conducted every 4 years.
Art. 40. In order to keep the continuity of I.F.A. the position of Secretary General shall be ongoing. In case of not being able to carry out his assigned responsibilities, he shall be replaced by decision of the ordinary or extraordinary General Assembly that will be called for such purpose.
Art. 41. The Management Board shall meet whenever one of its members deems it necessary. The calling shall include the agenda and it shall be communicated at least with two weeks in advance.
The meetings may be conducted in person or by audio-video conferences or any electronic media (Internet, E-mail, etc.) that allow an effective participation.
Art. 42. The President shall be the I.F.A. legal representative in all activities. If he/she cannot attend, the President will be represented by the Vice-President or by the Secretary General.
Art. 43. The following are duties and powers of the President:
a. Represent the I.F.A. legally, judicially, and extra judicially.
b. Call and preside the General Assembly, the Management Board and the Executive Council Assemblies.
c. Enforce the General Assembly, Executive Council and Management Board resolutions.
d. Legalize with his signature, along with the Secretary General one, the Federation expenses and commitments, according to these Bylaws.
e. Submit to be considered by the Executive Council and the General Assembly, for its analysis, the written annual report of all the Federation activities.
f. Hire the required administrative staff in order to comply with the Federation goals, plans, and programs.
g. Give proxy to the Secretary General in order to open a bank account on behalf of the Federation.
h. Control periodically the I.F.A. bank account by means of on-line banking system (via Internet).
Art. 44. The following are duties and powers of the Vice-President:
a. represents I.F.A. as the legal representative whenever the President designates him to this task.
b. ensures that the I.F.A. activities fall within the provisions of this Bylaws.
c. monitors the financial management of I.F.A. operations and assets;
d. cooperate and support the activity of the president;
e. any other duties designated by the President;
f. replace the President, with all his duties and powers, in case of temporary or definitive absence, until the next elections of the Management Board.
Art. 45. The following areduties and powers of the Secretary General:
a. run the permanent secretariat of the Federation;
b. coordinate the activity within the I.F.A., as well as among the General Assembly, the Management Board, and the Executive Council;
c. keep the minutes book, communications, and summons updated;
d. sign along with the President all official communications;
e. keep the enrolled associations and members registry updated, divided into categories;
f. keep all the activities’ files duly organized;
g. he shall take care along with the President of the financial planning of the Federation activities, being jointly and severally liable with the President, of the management of the Federation incomes;
h. he shall submit an economic report to the Management Board, to the Executive Council, and biannually to the General Assembly, about the financial and economic operations of the Federation;
i. he shall open a bank account on behalf of the Federation, signing along with the President;
j. he shall collect and keep ordinary and extraordinary annual payments updated, as decided by the General Assembly;
k. he shall keep up to date the inventory of assets owned by I.F.A.;
l. he shall make the financial report and the budget proposal so that the Management Board submits it to the General Assembly.
m. he shall represent I.F.A. as the legal representative whenever the President designates him to this task.
Art. 46. In order to comply with his assigned functions, the Secretary General shall be supported by at least 2 secretaries that will be appointed, from different countries, by the General Assembly.
Art. 47. The activity of each Permanent Commission shall be directed by the Commission President and shall be assisted by the Vice-President of such commission.
Art. 48. The following are powers and duties of the Presidents of the Permanent Commissions:
a. Prepare the Commission’s activities plan and submit it to the Management Board and to Executive Council for its approval;
b. Coordinate the activity of the pertaining area in the scientific and technical part, pursuant with the Federation mission and goals;
c. Prepare and broadcast the documents including the results of the completed activity, for the benefit of all I.F.A. members.
Art. 49. The Executive Council is the second executive authority of the I.F.A. (after the Management Board).
Art. 50. The Members of the Executive Council shall carry out their functions ad honorem. The remuneration and payment of travel expenses will be paid if the I.F.A. finances allow so.
Art. 51. The Members of the Permanent Secretariat will be paid if the financing of F.I.A. will allow it. The level of payments will be established by the Executive Council.
Art. 52. The Executive Council shall meet every year and will be in charge of reviewing and presenting the progresses of the I.F.A. activity at the end of each biannual Congress.
Art. 53. The Executive Council shall have quorum when half plus one of its members are present and shall adopt its decisions by simple majority. The Executive Council members may express their points of views by participating directly and effectively or by communication at distance (audio, video, Internet).
Art. 54. Theduties and powers of the Executive Council are the following ones:
a. conduct and/or coordinate all activities that are not under the responsibility of other I.F.A. bodies;
b. comply with the resolutions of the General Assembly, while they are not responsibility of the Management Board;
c. analyze and discuss all general matters and other concerns related to Apitherapy; suggest recommendations to the Management Board and to the Permanent Commissions with respect to their activities completion;
d. submit to the General Assembly the proposals about the admittance of new members and, when appropriate, the loss of the already achieved status of being a Federation member;
e. transmit to the General Assembly the amendments to these Bylaws;
f. help the Management Board to comply with the General Assembly’s resolutions;
g. help so that the I.F.A. goals are met by means of a harmonious collaboration among all members.
Art. 55. The calling of the biannual Congress and of the General Assembly shall be carried out by the President after having consulted to all the members of the Management Board and of the Executive Council, with at least six months in advance to the foreseen date, communicating the venue, date and time of the General Assembly, as well as the agenda.
CHAPTER V. I.F.A.’s property and incomes.
Art. 56. The I.F.A. Property will be formed by the movable and immovable property of the federation.
Art. 57. The Federation incomes derive from:
a. members’ annual fees and contributions;
b. interests and dividends resulting from investing the available sums, under legal conditions;
c. dividends of commercial businesses created by the Federation;
d. resources generated by direct economic activities, by the commercial partnerships formed by the Federation;
e. donations, sponsorships or will terms;
f. resources obtained from the state budget and/or local budgets;
g. other incomes foreseen by law.
CHAPTER VI. Penalties
Art. 58. The penalties that can be applied to the I.F.A. members are the suspension of rights and the exclusion from the Federation.
Art. 59. The decision of the penalty type that shall be adopted and its duration, in case of suspension of rights, shall be competence of the General Assembly.
The Management Board will perform the research, whose results will be reported to the Executive Council that shall submit the proposal to the General Assembly for its solution.
Art. 60. The penalty of suspension of rights may be applied to the following situations:
a. the nonperformance of the duties;
b. the undue use of the “International Federation of Apitherapy” name;
c. the absence in more than three consecutive sessions without valid excuse.
Art. 61. The following ones will be reasons for exclusion:
a. incur into acts that damage the I.F.A. mission and goals;
b. the non-compliance with the provisions of Bylaws, regulations, resolutions of the General Assembly, Management Board, and Executive Council;
c. the lack of payment to the I.F.A. during one year.
CHAPTER VII. Resolution of disputes and litigations
Art. 62. The conflicts between the Federation members shall be subjected to the resolution of the Management Board.
If the conflict resides between a founding member or full member (with voting right) and the Management Board, the case shall be subjected to the Executive Council and General Assembly’s decision, which shall ultimately decide.
CHAPTER VIII. I.F.A. dissolution and liquidation
Art. 63. The Federation will be dissolved in case of:
a. General Assembly resolution;
b. the reduction of the number of members with voting right to less than 3;
c. when the mission cannot be performed anymore;
d. in other cases foreseen by the Romanian law.
Art. 64. The dissolution shall be approved by the I.F.A. General Assembly with the vote of the two thirds of its members. The transfer of the I.F.A. assets, funds, and goods shall be decided under the same conditions, equally, in benefit of each enrolled association or of one or more international organizations with which the I.F.A. has been performing activities in benefit of apitherapy.
Art. 65. If due to whatever reason, the General Assembly cannot meet, the Management Board may act in its replacement, who will consult in written to each one of the members with voting right.
Art. 66. The dissolution of the Federation shall result in its liquidation, under the Romanian law terms and conditions.
CHAPTER IX. General Provisions
Art. 67. The organization internal disputes shall be resolved domestically according to these Bylaws. In case they continue, disputes shall be subjected to mediation and arbitration, or to the Romanian justice system.
Art. 68. The Federation shall have its own logo and stamp approved by the Executive Council.
Art. 69. These Bylaws shall come into force from the incorporation date of the International Federation of Apitherapy in the Federation Registry by the competent authority. From this date onwards, the I.F.A. obtains legal personality.
These Bylaws have been discussed, analyzed and approved by the I.F.A. founding members before April 20-th. 2012, via e-mail and in Passau, Germany, on April 20-th.
They have been also edited and printed, one for each founding member, and the rest to fulfill the legal requirements necessary for the registration of the Federation.
I.F.A. Organization Chart
General Assembly |
Management Board |
Executive Council |
Permanent Commissions |
Support Groups |
Legal adviser