CHAPTER I: Name, Legal Form, Duration, Headquarters, Mission and Objectives.

Art. 1. Under the name INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF APITHERAPY (I.F.A.), the Federation operates as an independent legal entity. The present Bylaws, initially adopted by the Founding Members through the Articles of Incorporation and subsequently ratified by the Full Members, regulate its organization and functioning. The Federation operates in accordance with Government Ordinance No. 246/2005 on associations and foundations, as issued by the Romanian Government.

Art. 2. The INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF APITHERAPY (I.F.A.) is a nonprofit legal entity of private law, composed of Apitherapy Associations, Societies, Institutions, Companies, Groups, and individuals from various countries worldwide. The Federation is independent, apolitical, and non-religious, promoting inclusivity and respecting all races, nationalities, cultures, and beliefs. It upholds ethical principles of fairness, equality, and mutual respect among its members.

The members of the INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF APITHERAPY (I.F.A.) shall retain their own legal personality, autonomy, and ownership of property, in accordance with their respective legal status and regulations.

Art. 3.  The INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF APITHERAPY (I.F.A.) is established for an indefinite duration and shall continue its operations unless dissolved in accordance with these Bylaws and applicable legal provisions.

Art. 4. The headquarters of the INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF APITHERAPY (I.F.A.) is located in Romania, at Principala Street No. 106A, Mereni Village, Conţeşti Municipality, Dâmboviţa County, Romania.

The location of the headquarters may be changed by a decision of the I.F.A. General Assembly, in accordance with the provisions set forth in these Bylaws.

Art. 5.  The official language of the INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF APITHERAPY (I.F.A.) shall be English. The Federation may, at its discretion, offer additional language support for communication purposes or regional events, depending on the needs of its membership base and requests from members. The adoption of new official languages shall be considered only if the expansion of the Federation justifies such a decision.

Art. 6. The INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF APITHERAPY (I.F.A.) is dedicated to collecting, analyzing, processing, and disseminating national and international data and methodologies related to apitherapy for the benefit of its members and the general public. The Federation aims to advance and promote apitherapy as both a preventive and therapeutic approach, utilizing all beehive products. In pursuing this mission, I.F.A. integrates the latest findings from modern allopathic medicine with principles from integrative and complementary medicine, including dietary therapy, api-fito-aromatherapy, acupuncture, Ayurveda, and other related disciplines.

Art. 7.  To achieve its mission, the International Federation of Apitherapy will develop its activities according to the following objectives:

a.      apitherapy promotion in all its dimensions: scientific, technical, social, and economic;

b.     establish an international electronic apitherapy library (e-library), accessible online to all IFA members.;

c.      the development of apitherapy protocols, according to the specific needs and  individual characteristics of ill people, using all the beehive products for their treatment;

d.     formation of professionals in the apitherapy field;

e.      ongoing relationship with the regional, national and international beekeeping associations and federations such as Apimondia, Asian Apicultural Association and the European Beekeeping Association, in order to be able to continuously learn from beekeepers and offer them afterwards  advice so as to obtain clean and medically efficient beehive products;

f.       organization of congresses, symposiums, seminars, workshops, round tables and any  other type of events, for scientific and practical purposes, at every I.F.A. member countries;

g.      counseling and coordination in order to obtain the legalization of Apitherapy in the national territory of each member country;

h.     promotion and cooperation among all I.F.A. members;

i.        protection of the activity and legal rights of the I.F.A. members.


The Members of the International Federation of Apitherapy.
Conditions. Rights. Obligations.

Art. 8. Membership in the International Federation of Apitherapy
Apitherapy associations, institutions, companies, groups, and individuals from any country who are interested in apitherapy and comply with the Bylaws of the International Federation of Apitherapy (I.F.A.) may apply for membership. Admission is subject to a formal written request (by e-mail) and approval by the Federation’s Executive Board, following a review of the application.

Art. 9 – Membership Categories in the International Federation of Apitherapy
I.F.A. members may belong to the following categories:

a) Founding Members – Apitherapy associations or societies that participated in the establishment of the International Federation of Apitherapy (I.F.A.) in 2012 and have been granted founding member status. Founding Members hold voting rights

b) Full Members – Apitherapy associations or societies that joined the International Federation of Apitherapy (I.F.A.) after its founding and have been granted full member status in accordance with IFA Bylaws. Full Members hold voting rights.

c) Institutional Members – Universities, research institutions, healthcare organizations, or other relevant entities supporting apitherapy that have been admitted as members in accordance with these Bylaws. Institutional Members do not have voting rights.

d) Corporate Members – Companies or commercial entities involved in apitherapy-related activities that have been admitted as members in accordance with these Bylaws. Corporate Members do not have voting rights.

e) Group and Individual Members – Informal groups or individuals with an interest in apitherapy who have been admitted as members in accordance with these Bylaws. Group and Individual Members do not have voting rights.

Art. 10. Rights of Founding and Full Members

Founding and Full Members shall have equal rights within the International Federation of Apitherapy (I.F.A.). If such a member is unable to attend a meeting due to personal circumstances (such as illness, family emergencies, or other justifiable reasons), they may be represented by an authorized proxy or legal representative. The designated representative shall have the right to speak and vote on the member’s behalf, provided that a written authorization is submitted in advance, and in accordance with the procedures and deadlines established by the Federation. The authorization may be submitted via email, signed document, or other electronic means, as outlined by the Federation’s procedures.

Art. 11. Obtaining Full Member Status in the I.F.A.
To be granted Full Member status, an applicant must submit the following documents:

Official request containing:

  • Name of the association or society;
  • Registered address;
  • List of management bodies;
  • Name and address of the legal representative;
  • Date, signature, and official stamp.
  • Copy of the association’s articles of incorporation;
  • Copy of the association’s Bylaws;
  • Copy of the definitive and irrevocable judicial resolution granting the association legal personality;
  • Copy of the inscription certificate in the registry of associations;
  • Copy of the identity card of the legal representative;
  • Original decision of the Management/Executive Board of the association to affiliate with I.F.A.;
  • Original, notarized power of attorney from the legal representative of the association authorizing the President of I.F.A. to update the I.F.A. membership list with the competent authority of the Dâmbovița Court, Romania.

    All above-mentioned documents must be sent first by e-mail (as scanned documents) and afterwards by regular mail (as original documents) to the I.F.A. Secretary General, who shall check their compliance in order to get the member grade. Then, the Secretary General shall hand the documentation over to the I.F.A. Executive Council that shall be qualified to approve the enrollment.

    The enrollment application approval shall be communicated in written to the applying member, within a maximum time period of 30 days from the approval date, issuing a Certificate qualifying the individual/entity as member.

Art. 12.  I.F.A. member grade may be lost due to the following reasons:

a) Voluntary disenrollment from the Federation;
b) Association dissolution;
c) Exclusion from the Federation as determined by the I.F.A. Executive Council, following detailed analysis and discussions.

Art. 13. The request for disenrollment from the Federation shall be made in written to the General Secretariat.

Art. 14. Rights of I.F.A. Members. I.F.A. members are entitled to the following rights:

a) To exercise the rights granted by these Bylaws, along with the internal regulations, code of ethics, standards, and decisions adopted by the Federation;
b) To participate in I.F.A.-organized activities, such as round tables, workshops, symposiums, conferences, and congresses;
c) To have their representatives participate in the I.F.A. General Assembly and exercise the right to speak and vote, provided they are founding or full members;
d) To elect representatives within the Federation’s governing bodies;
e) To submit proposals or projects to the Executive Council and the General Assembly for consideration and potential implementation;
f) To initiate projects aimed at creating resolutions and actively contribute to their preparation;
g) To be regularly informed about the Federation’s activities and outcomes;
h) To engage with the I.F.A.’s communication systems via email and WhatsApp;
i) To request involvement in the development of the I.F.A. website, communicate through the website, email, or WhatsApp, and benefit from the publication of relevant content;
j) A Full Member (national association) may only withdraw from the Federation through a formal resignation letter, signed by all members of its Management/Executive Board. This letter must be submitted to the I.F.A. Executive Council for acknowledgment and processing.

Art. 15. Obligations of I.F.A. Members

All members of the International Federation of Apitherapy (I.F.A.) shall be bound by the following obligations:

a) Compliance with Governing Documents and Regulations
Members must fully comply with the I.F.A. Bylaws, internal regulations, codes of ethics, professional standards, and all resolutions duly adopted by the Federation’s governing bodies.

b) Preservation of the Federation’s Reputation
Members shall uphold the integrity, image, and reputation of the I.F.A., its leadership, and its representatives. Any actions that may damage the Federation’s credibility, whether intentional or due to negligence, shall be subject to review and potential disciplinary measures.

c) Financial Responsibilities
Members shall fulfill all financial obligations to the Federation, including timely payment of annual membership fees and any other dues as determined by the General Assembly. The amount and payment deadlines shall be established and communicated by the General Assembly, with penalties applicable for non-compliance, as defined in I.F.A. regulations.

d) Promotion of Apitherapy
Members shall actively promote the benefits of apitherapy at national and international levels, utilizing appropriate communication channels, including scientific publications, media, conferences, and digital platforms.

e) Commitment to Collaboration and Ethical Conduct
Members shall foster a spirit of cooperation, mutual respect, and ethical conduct to support the mission and objectives of the I.F.A. They shall engage constructively in the Federation’s initiatives and decision-making processes.

f) Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability
Members shall actively participate in and support environmental conservation programs aimed at protecting bees, medicinal bee plants, and biodiversity. These initiatives shall align with national and international sustainability frameworks and be integrated into relevant development strategies.

g) Legal and Ethical Accountability
Members shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to apitherapy, environmental protection, and professional ethics within their respective countries. Any violations or unethical practices may result in disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion from the Federation.

Art. 16. Honorary Membership

a) Granting of Honorary Membership
The I.F.A. General Assembly may confer the title of Honorary Member upon individuals who have made exceptional contributions to the advancement of apitherapy, as recognized by the Federation. The granting of this title shall be based on objective criteria established by the General Assembly and formalized through a resolution.

b) Rights and Privileges
Honorary Members shall be entitled to specific rights as outlined in Article 14, sections b, e, g, h, and i. However, they shall not possess the right to vote in the General Assembly or to hold elected positions within the Federation.

c) Exemption from Financial Obligations
Honorary Members shall be exempt from the obligation to pay the annual membership fee and any other financial contributions unless they voluntarily choose to support the Federation.

d) Obligations and Ethical Commitments
Honorary Members shall adhere to the following obligations, as specified in Article 15, sections a, b, and e:

  • Compliance with the I.F.A. Bylaws, regulations, codes of ethics, and decisions of the Federation’s governing bodies.
  • Preservation of the Federation’s Reputation by conducting themselves in a manner that upholds the integrity and credibility of the I.F.A.
  • Commitment to Collaboration by supporting the Federation’s initiatives and promoting its mission.

    e) Revocation of Honorary Membership

  • The General Assembly reserves the right to revoke the title of Honorary Member if the individual engages in conduct that is deemed harmful to the Federation’s interests, violates its ethical standards, or otherwise fails to uphold the obligations set forth herein.


Art. 17. Collaboration with Other Membership Categories

The International Federation of Apitherapy (I.F.A.) is open to collaboration with various entities and individuals committed to supporting its mission. In addition to the categories of membership already outlined, the Federation recognizes the following membership categories:

a) Institutional Members
Public and private institutions, commercial entities, associations, and groups involved in activities indirectly related to apitherapy—such as apiculture, diet therapy, api-fito-aromatherapy, acupuncture, and Ayurveda—that wish to collaborate with the I.F.A. to further its mission and goals. These entities shall be granted the title of Institutional Members.

b) Expert Members
Scientists and professionals with significant experience in apitherapy or related fields, regardless of their country of origin, who share their expertise with I.F.A. members. Expert Members are exempt from the annual membership fee but do not possess voting rights.

c) Individual Members
Natural persons who work directly or indirectly with apitherapy and seek to collaborate with the I.F.A., contributing to its mission and objectives. These individuals shall be granted the title of Individual Members.

Additional Provisions:

  • Membership in any category requires approval by the Executive Board, or by the General Assembly as specified in the Federation’s governing rules.
  • All members must comply with the obligations set forth in Article 15.
  • The General Assembly reserves the right to revoke membership if an entity or individual violates the I.F.A.’s ethical standards, bylaws, or mission.
    The revocation process shall follow the procedure established by the Federation’s governing bodies. 

Art. 18. Rights of Collaborators

Collaborators are entitled to participate in I.F.A. Commissions and Support Groups. They may also contribute to the Federation’s initiatives by publishing articles and other relevant documents on the I.F.A. website, in accordance with established guidelines.


Art. 19. Collaboration Agreement

Collaborating members (institutions, experts, and individuals) shall sign a commitment agreement with the I.F.A., outlining the terms and conditions of their collaboration. In this agreement, collaborators are required to adhere to all ethical standards, including but not limited to: refraining from using confidential information for personal gain, using the I.F.A. logo without prior approval, or engaging in any actions that may negatively affect the reputation of the I.F.A. or its members.

Art. 20. Rights and Obligations of Collaborating Members

Collaborating members (institutions, experts, and individuals) shall be entitled to the rights outlined in Article 14, specifically sections:

b) right to participate in I.F.A. activities and initiatives,

e) right to access I.F.A. resources and information,

g) right to receive updates on the Federation’s progress,

h) right to be acknowledged for contributions,

i) right to offer recommendations to I.F.A. leadership.

They are also obligated to comply with the responsibilities specified in Article 15, including:

a) adherence to the I.F.A. bylaws,

b) maintaining the Federation’s reputation,

c) fulfilling financial obligations, and

e) supporting I.F.A. initiatives and collaborations.


CHAPTER III.  Bodies of the International Federation of Apitherapy

Art. 21.  The I.F.A. bodies are as follows:

    • The General Assembly
    • The Executive Board
    • The Advisory Council (Council of Presidents of National and other Apitherapy Associations)
    • The Permanent Commissions
    • The Permanent Secretariat
    • The Support Groups
    • The Financial Auditor and Censors Commission
    • The Legal Advisor

Art. 22. The General Assembly

The General Assembly is composed of:

      • The Executive Board
      • The Advisory Council (Council of Presidents of National and other Apitherapy Associations)
      • The coordinators of the Permanent Scientific and Practical Commissions

        Each of the above holds voting rights.

Art. 23. The Executive Board

The Executive Board consists of the following members:

    • The President
    • Four Vice-Presidents
    • The Secretariat members: Secretary General, Executive Secretary, and Administrative Secretary.

Art. 24. 
The Advisory Council is formed by:

  • The Presidents and Vice-Presidents of all Apitherapy Associations enrolled in the I.F.A.


Art. 25: I.F.A. Permanent Commissions on Apitherapy Science and Practice

  • Scientific and Academic Advisory Board
  • Medicinal Bee Plants, Biodiversity, and Ecological Sustainability Commission
  • Bee Health and Apitherapy Commission
  • Medicinal Beekeeping, Technology and Apitherapy Commission


  • Commission on bee products and development of apipreparations: obtaining, quality control, standardization


  • Apitherapy in Human Medicine Commission


  • Apitherapy in Dentistry and Oral Medicine Commission
  • Apitherapy for Children’s Education Commission
  • Apitherapy for Children’s Health Commission (Apipediatrics)
  • Veterinary, Zootechnics, Animal Health and Apitherapy Commission
  • Commission on Apitherapy and Traditional Medical Systems
  • Commission on Apitherapy in Aesthetic Medicine and Dermatology

  • Beehive Air Therapy (BHAT) and Bee Sounds Therapy (BST) Commission
  • Apitherapy Education and Professional Training Commission
  • Apitherapy Ethics, Legal Standards, Certification, and Conformity Commission
  • Apitherapy Partnerships, Sponsorship, and Development Commission
  • Apitherapy Tourism Commission
  • Apitherapy and Innovative Research Commission


  • Therapeutic Applications of Stingless Bees (meliponitherapy)

  • Regional Coordinators:
    • Africa
    • Asia
    • Europe
    • Latin America
    • North America
    • Australia and Oceania

Art. 26. The Support Groups have the following objectives:

    • Promoting and managing media relations, including broadcasting, press outreach, and advertising of I.F.A. activities
    • Enhancing online visibility and managing the Federation’s presence in virtual spaces
    • Creating, managing, and maintaining apitherapy networks
    • Establishing and fostering partnerships with other associations and organizations of a similar nature
    • Collaborating with sponsors, including individuals, companies, organizations, public and private institutions, and governments, to secure the necessary funding for the successful operation of the I.F.A.

Art. 27. The General Secretariat of the International Federation of Apitherapy (I.F.A.) is headquartered and operates in Romania, in full compliance with the relevant legal provisions governing associations and federations.

Art. 28.  The Financial Auditor and the Censors Commission ensures the internal financial control of the Federation.

Art. 29. The Legal Advisor shall provide legal assistance to the I.F.A. pursuant to a formal collaboration agreement, as required by the Federation’s needs.


CHAPTER IV.  Competences and attributions of the I.F.A.’s bodies.

Art. 30. The General Assembly

The General Assembly is the supreme authority and governing body of the International Federation of Apitherapy (I.F.A.).

The General Assembly is responsible for:

Governance & Appointments:
a) Electing and appointing the Executive Board, the Advisory Council, and the Permanent Secretariat;
b) Approving the appointment of the Auditing Body and subsequently the Censors Commission;
c) Appointing the Legal Advisor;

Membership & Organizational Development:
d) Approving the admission of new members;
e) Revoking membership, when necessary;
f) Appointing Honorary and Expert Members;

Financial & Regulatory Oversight:
g) Approving the budget and financial reports;
h) Establishing the enrolment and annual fees for all members;
i) Approving the Bylaws, Code of Ethics, and Internal Regulations, as well as any amendments or modifications;

Strategic & Operational Decisions:
j) Determining the location of future I.F.A. Congresses;
k) Approving cooperation agreements with other organizations;
l) Approving the relocation of the I.F.A. Permanent Secretariat, should this become necessary;
m) Adopting resolutions and measures necessary to implement the decisions of the Federation;
n) Dissolving the I.F.A., appointing a liquidator, and determining the use of its assets.

Voting Requirements:

Decisions on these matters require the approval of at least half plus one of the voting members present at the General Assembly.

Art. 31. General Assembly Meetings

a) Ordinary General Assembly:

    • The Ordinary General Assembly shall be held annually during the Federation’s Congress.

b) Extraordinary General Assembly:

    • The Extraordinary General Assembly may be convened as needed at the initiative of the President, the Secretary General or the Advisory Council.

c) Quorum & Decision-Making:

    • The General Assembly shall be considered quorate when at least half plus one of the members with voting rights are present.
    • Decisions shall be adopted by a simple majority of the votes of the members present.

d) Remote Participation:

  • Members with voting rights may participate in both Ordinary and Extraordinary General Assemblies through electronic communication means, including but not limited to video conferences, teleconferences, email, ZOOM, or any other secure digital platform.

Article 32. Each full-rights member—defined as founding and full members, all members of the Executive Board (including secretaries), and Coordinators of each Commission—has the right to be represented in the General Assembly by a delegate with the right to speak and vote.

If a member is unable to attend the General Assembly, it may authorize another full-rights member to vote on its behalf by proxy. The proxy authorization must be submitted in writing to the General Secretariat at least two weeks before the Assembly and must comply with the legal requirements and federation statutes. No delegate may hold more than one proxy vote.


Article 33. The Ordinary or Extraordinary General Assembly shall confirm the appointment of the Coordinators of the Permanent Commissions.

Any member of an I.F.A. Commission who wishes to apply for this position must submit a detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV) along with a letter of intent, including their proposals for the Commission, at least one month in advance. These documents shall be reviewed by the Administrative Board and the Executive Council to ensure the candidates meet the necessary qualifications and align with the objectives of the Federation.

Each Permanent Commission shall elect its Coordinator through an internal democratic process, with all its members participating in the vote. The elected Coordinator shall be presented to the General Assembly for confirmation. Upon confirmation, Coordinators shall be granted full voting rights within the General Assembly, as stipulated by the Federation’s statutes.

Art. 34.  It is the General Assembly competence to determine the Commissions’ activities that shall be related with the I.F.A. missions and goals.

Art. 35.  The General Assembly shall approve the reports regarding the activities of the different Federation bodies.

Article 36. The President of the I.F.A. shall chair the General Assembly. In case of absence, any of the four Vice-Presidents (following internal discussion and agreement among the Vice-Presidents) or the Secretary General shall replace the President.


Art. 37.  The Executive Board is the first I.F.A. executive authority and shall be held liable in front of the General Assembly for the organization and development of the I.F.A. activities.

Art. 38.  The Executive Board shall prepare the schedule, the agenda, and the instruction for the General Assembly, with at least 6 months in advance to its completion.

Art. 39.  The election of the President and the 4 Vice-Presidents of the Executive Board shall be conducted every 4 years.

Article 40
A). The position of Secretariat Members is directly aligned with that of the elected President to ensure the smooth functioning of the I.F.A. To maintain continuity, Secretariat members shall serve a 4-year term, coinciding with the terms of the President and Vice-Presidents, with the possibility of re-election for an indefinite number of terms, provided that the Secretariat members continue to perform their duties effectively and the President maintains the ongoing support of the General Assembly.

If any Secretariat member is unable to fulfil their responsibilities, they shall be replaced through a decision of the Ordinary or Extraordinary General Assembly, which shall be convened specifically for this purpose.

B). Presidential Term and Re-election
The President of the I.F.A. shall serve a 4-year term, with the possibility of re-election for additional terms, with no limit on the number of terms. Re-election shall be based on the outcome of a democratic vote by the General Assembly, which will assess the President’s leadership and the ongoing support of the majority of I.F.A. members.

In the case of re-election, the President shall continue to serve as long as he/she maintains the trust and support of the majority of members, based on his/her performance and the continuity they bring to the I.F.A.’s mission. The General Assembly will evaluate the effectiveness of his/her leadership at each election cycle.

C). Presidential Elections and Continuity

The election of the President shall occur every 4 years during the Ordinary General Assembly. While leadership experience and continuity are key factors in the success of the Federation, the election process shall remain open to any full-rights member who wishes to stand for election. The General Assembly shall decide on the President by majority vote, considering leadership skills, experience, and vision for the future of the I.F.A.

Art. 41.  The Executive Board shall meet whenever one of its members deems it necessary.  The calling shall include the agenda and it shall be communicated at least with two weeks in advance.

The meetings may be conducted in person or by audio-video conferences or any electronic media (Internet, E-mail, etc.) that allow an effective participation.

Art. 42.  The President shall serve as the legal representative of the I.F.A. in all official matters. In the event that the President is unable to fulfill this role, representation shall be assumed by any of the Vice-Presidents or the Secretary General, as designated by the President or, if unavailable, by the Executive Board.

Art. 43.  The following are duties and powers of the President:

a.      Represent the I.F.A. legally, judicially, and extra judicially.

b.     Call and preside the General Assembly, the Executive Board and the Advisory Council Assemblies.

c.      Enforce the General Assembly, Advisory Council and Executive Board resolutions.

d.     Legalize with his signature the Federation expenses and commitments, according to these Bylaws.

e.      Submit to be considered by the Advisory Council and the General Assembly, for its analysis, the written annual report of all the Federation activities.

f.       Hire the required administrative staff in order to comply with the Federation goals, plans, and programs.

g.      The President shall have the exclusive authority to open and manage the I.F.A. bank account on behalf of the Federation, in compliance with Romanian laws,                  banking regulations, and the decisions of the Executive Board.

h.     Control periodically the I.F.A. bank account by means of on-line banking system (via Internet).

Art. 44.  The following are duties and powers of the 4 Vice-Presidents:

a.      represents I.F.A. as the legal representative whenever the President designates them to this task.

b.     ensures that the I.F.A. activities fall within the provisions of this Bylaws.

c.      monitors the financial management of I.F.A. operations and assets;

d.     cooperate and support the activity of the president;

e.      any other duties designated by the President;

f.       replace the President, with all his/her duties and powers, in case of temporary or definitive absence, until the next elections of the Management Board.

Art. 45.  The following are duties and powers of the Secretary General:

a.      run the permanent secretariat of the Federation;

b.     helps the coordination of the activity within the I.F.A., as well as among the General Assembly, the Executive Board, and the Executive Council;

c.      keep the minutes book, communications, and summons updated;

d.     sign along with the President all official communications;

e.      keep the enrolled associations and members registry updated, divided into categories;

f.       keep all the activities’ files duly organized;

g.      he shall take care along with the President of the financial planning of the Federation activities, being jointly and severally liable with the President, of the management of the Federation incomes;

h.      he shall submit an annual economic report to the Management Board, the Executive Council, and the General Assembly regarding the financial and economic operations of the Federation.

i.       he shall collect and keep ordinary and extraordinary annual payments updated, as decided by the General Assembly;

j.       he shall keep up to date the inventory of assets owned by I.F.A.;

k.     he shall make the financial report and the budget proposal so that the Management Board submits it to the General Assembly.

l.      he shall represent I.F.A. as the legal representative whenever the President designates him to this task.

Art. 46.  In order to comply with his assigned functions, the Secretary General shall be supported by at least 2 secretaries that will be appointed, from different countries, by the General Assembly.

Art. 47.  The activities of each Permanent Commission shall be overseen by the Commission Coordinator.

Art. 48. The following are the powers and duties of the Coordinators of the Permanent Commissions:

a.      Prepare the Commission’s activities plan and submit it to the Management Board and to Executive Council for its approval;

b.     Coordinate the activity of the pertaining area in the scientific and technical part, pursuant with the Federation mission and goals;

c.      Prepare and broadcast the documents including the results of the completed activity, for the benefit of all I.F.A. members.

d.    The Coordinators of the Permanent Commissions and the Regional Coordinators shall have voting rights, including in the General Assembly and other relevant decision-making processes of the Federation.

Art. 49.  The Advisory Council is the second executive authority of the I.F.A. (after the Executive Board).

Art. 50.  The Members of the Advisory Council shall carry out their functions ad honorem. The remuneration and payment of travel expenses will be paid if the I.F.A. finances allow so.

Art. 51. The Members of the Permanent Secretariat will be paid also if the financing of IFA will allow it. The level of payments will be established by the Executive Board.

Art. 52.  The Advisory Council shall meet every year and will be in charge of reviewing and presenting the progresses of the I.F.A. activity at the end of each annual Congress.

Art. 53.  The Advisory Council shall have quorum when half plus one of its members are present and shall adopt its decisions by simple majority. The Advisory Council members may express their points of views by participating directly and effectively or by communication at distance (audio, video, Internet).

Art. 54.  The duties and powers of the Advisory Council are the following ones:

a.      conduct and/or coordinate all activities that are not under the responsibility of other I.F.A. bodies;

b.     comply with the resolutions of the General Assembly, while they are not responsibility of the Executive Board;

c.      analyze and discuss all general matters and other concerns related to Apitherapy; suggest recommendations to the Executive Board and to the Permanent Commissions with respect to their activities completion;

d.     submit to the General Assembly the proposals about the admittance of new members and, when appropriate, the loss of the already achieved status of being a Federation member;

e.      transmit to the General Assembly the amendments to these Bylaws;

f.       help the Executive Board to comply with the General Assembly’s resolutions;

g.      help so that the I.F.A. goals are met by means of a harmonious collaboration among all members.

h.   the Advisory Council is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the General Assembly’s decisions and ensuring the Federation’s strategic development.

Art. 55. The President shall convene the annual Congress and General Assembly after consulting with all members of the Executive Board, the Advisory Council and the Coordinators of the Permanent Commissions. The calling of these meetings must be made at least three months prior to the scheduled date, with the venue, date, time, and agenda communicated to all members in advance.


CHAPTER V.  I.F.A.’s property and incomes.

Art. 56.  The I.F.A. Property will be formed by the movable and immovable property of the federation.

Art. 57. The Federation’s income shall derive from the following sources:

a. Annual fees and contributions from members;
b. Interest and dividends from the investment of available funds, in accordance with applicable laws, including those governing non-profit organizations;
c. Profits, if any, from commercial enterprises owned or operated by the Federation, provided such profits are reinvested in the Federation’s non-profit activities;
d. Revenue generated through direct economic activities and commercial partnerships, in line with the Federation’s non-profit objectives;
e. Donations, sponsorships, or bequests (including those specified in wills);
f. Funds or other financial support from private or public entities, consistent with Romanian law for non-governmental organizations;
g. Entrance fees collected for participation in Federation-organized events, including congresses, conferences, symposiums, and round tables;
h. Fees from companies or firms renting booths at the Federation’s Api-Expos or similar events;
i. Any other income in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.


CHAPTER VI.  Penalties

Art. 58. The penalties that may be imposed on I.F.A. members include suspension of rights and removal from the Federation, in accordance with the Federation’s regulations and procedures.

Art. 59. The determination of the type of penalty, including suspension of rights or removal from the Federation, and its duration, shall be the responsibility of the General Assembly. The Executive Board shall conduct an investigation into the matter, the findings of which will be submitted to the Advisory Council. The Advisory  Council will then present a proposal to the General Assembly for resolution, including a recommendation for the appropriate penalty, whether suspension of rights or removal from the Federation.

Art. 60. The penalty of suspension of rights may be applied to the following situations:

a. Failure to perform the duties assigned to the member;
b. Unauthorized use of the name and logo of the “International Federation of Apitherapy”;
c. Absence from more than three consecutive sessions, including but not limited to meetings of the General Assembly, the Executive Board, the Advisory Council, or any other official gatherings of the Federation, without a valid excuse;
d. Failure to comply with the Federation’s ethical standards, rules, or regulations;
e. Engaging in behavior that harms the reputation or interests of the Federation;
f. Failure to pay membership dues or financial obligations within the specified time frame;
g. Misrepresentation of personal or professional qualifications or experience to the Federation;
h. Violation of confidentiality or disclosure of sensitive Federation information without authorization;
i. Failure to cooperate with investigations into alleged breaches of Federation rules or ethical standards;
j. Unauthorized use of certificates of participation issued by the Federation to claim the right to practice apitherapy or any other professional activity without the required licensing by the National Health Department of the respective country. The penalty shall be more severe for members who are not licensed health practitioners in their country of residence.

Note: The Federation reserves the right to notify the National Health Department of the country where the member resides about any such illegal actions. In such cases, the member may be invited to provide an explanation of their unlawful behavior, which could result in legal consequences, including potential imprisonment.


Art. 61. The following shall constitute grounds for exclusion from the Federation:

a. Engaging in actions that undermine the mission, objectives, or reputation of the I.F.A.;
b. Failure to comply with the provisions of the Bylaws, regulations, or resolutions issued by the General Assembly, Executive Board, or Advisory Council;
c. Non-payment of membership dues or financial obligations to the I.F.A. for a period of two years;
d. Engaging in unethical conduct, including, but not limited to, dishonesty, fraud, or corruption;
e. Violating the Federation’s Code of Conduct or ethical standards;
f. Engaging in discriminatory behavior, harassment, or any conduct that violates the rights of other members;
g. Involvement in illegal activities or criminal behavior that may affect the integrity or credibility of the Federation;
h. Failure to cooperate with the Federation’s investigations, audits, or requests for information;
i. Persistent failure to meet the requirements or standards set by the Federation for membership or participation in its activities.

CHAPTER VII.  Resolution of Disputes and Litigation

Art. 62. Disputes between members of the Federation shall be addressed and resolved by the Executive Board.

In the case of a conflict between a founding member or a full member (with voting rights) and the Executive Board, the matter shall be escalated to the General Assembly for a final decision. If necessary, the General Assembly may convene an Extraordinary Online Session to deliberate on the issue, and its decision shall be conclusive and binding.


CHAPTER VIII.  Dissolution and Liquidation of the International Federation of Apitherapy (IFA)

Art. 63. The Federation shall be dissolved under the following circumstances:

a. By resolution of the General Assembly;

b. If the number of voting members falls below three;

c. If the Federation is unable to fulfill its mission;

d. In accordance with other provisions of Romanian law.

Art. 64. The dissolution of the I.F.A. shall be approved by a two-thirds majority vote of the General Assembly. The transfer of the I.F.A.’s assets, funds, and property shall be decided under the same conditions, in equal proportion, for the benefit of each enrolled association or one or more international organizations with which the I.F.A. has collaborated in advancing the field of apitherapy.

Art. 65. In the event that the General Assembly is unable to convene for any reason, the Executive Board may act in its place. The Executive Board shall consult each voting member in writing to obtain their input and ensure decision-making in accordance with the Federation’s regulations.

Art. 66. The dissolution of the Federation shall result in its termination and the distribution of its assets in accordance with the provisions of Romanian law.


CHAPTER IX.  General Provisions

Art. 67.  Internal disputes within the organization shall be resolved in accordance with these Bylaws. If the disputes persist, they shall be subject to mediation and arbitration, or, if necessary, to the jurisdiction of the Romanian courts.

Art. 68.  The Federation shall have its own logo and stamp approved by the Executive Board.

Art. 69. These Bylaws came into force upon the official registration of the International Federation of Apitherapy in the Federation Registry by the competent authority, which occurred in Romania in 2013 (Registration #: 1/2013, dated June 21, 2013; File: 3293/120/2013 at the Dâmbovița Tribunal, Romania). From that date onward, the I.F.A. acquired legal personality.

The initial Bylaws were discussed, reviewed, and approved by the founding members of the I.F.A. before April 20, 2012, through e-mail correspondence and during the meeting held in Passau, Germany, on April 20, 2012, in conjunction with the German Apitherapy Congress with international participation.

These Statutes were later amended and approved by the members of the I.F.A. General Assembly during online meetings held on January 25, followed by Extraordinary General Assemblies held online on February 8 and March 19, 2025.

For the benefit of all I.F.A. members, the Federation’s Statutes will be shared via the Apitherapy I.F.A. GLOBAL TEAM group on WhatsApp, distributed by e-mail, and also published on the Federation’s website.

The Bylaws will be printed and distributed—one copy to each founding and full member, with additional copies for the legal procedures required for the Federation’s updates.

Future amendments to the Statutes (Bylaws) shall be drafted, when necessary, by a specially appointed Commission designated by the General or Extraordinary Assembly, reviewed by the Executive Board, and then submitted to the I.F.A. General Assembly for final approval.


I.F.A. Organization Chart

General Assembly

Executive Board
(led by the IFA President)


Advisory Council
(Council of Presidents of National and Other Apitherapy Associations)

Permanent Commissions

Support Groups

Financial auditor and Censors Commission

Legal adviser