October 2014, in Brasov, Romania
I-St. I.F.A. and VII-th. Romanian Apitherapy Congress, Expo and Workshops
October 17-21, Aro-Palace Hotel , Brasov , Romania
All details regarding the Api-Expo 2014 (application form, booths reservation fees, participant firms, addresses, etc.)
Workshops on Apitherapy, Apipuncture and Api-Cosmetic, October 20-21, 2014
All details on the program, speakers and how to register to the post-Congress Workshops
How much money you need to pay in order to participate to our events
Registration for speakers/authors
Application form for speakers/authors
Registration for normal participants
Application to be completed carefully by each participant
Post-Congress Tours
Trips to be made on Sunday, October 19-th., and on Wednesday and Thursday, October 22-23, 2014
Institutions, companies and individual persons that are sponsoring our event:
Organizing Committee
Names of people that are organizing the event
How to reach the Congress venue