Dr. Stefan Stângaciu
Personal Information
Main functions
- President of Apitherapy Consulting & Trading International Ltd. (since November 2004)
- President of the German Apitherapy Society (March 1999-March 2019)
- Honorary President of the German Apitherapy Society, since March 2019
- President of the Romanian Apitherapy Society (since December 2007)
- General Secretary of the International Federation of Apitherapy (since March 2012)
- Apitherapy Discussions E-mail Lists Moderator ( Google Groups in English, Spanish/Portuguese, French, German, Romanian)
- Creator and moderator of the Apitherapy Whatsapp groups in English, German, French and Romanian
- Owner and webmaster of Apitherapy.com
Nationality: Romanian
Date of Birth: 31/ 01/ 1960
E-mails: drstangaciu@gmail.com ; drstangaciu@apitherapy.com
Work Experience
Dates: November 2004 to present
• Occupation or position held: President of “Apitherapy Consulting & Trading International” Ltd.
• Main activities and responsibilities:
*Offering international expertise and consulting in the area of Apitherapy, Apipuncture, Api-Nutrition and Api-Phytotherapy (medicinal use of bee products and medicinal bee plants).
Dates: October 2015 to June 2016
• Occupation or position held: Apitherapy Manager at Honeybee Centre in Surrey, B.C., Canada
• Main activities and responsibilities: offering international expertise and consulting in the area of Apitherapy.
Apitherapy & Naturopathy Practice
*Responsible for the treatment of patients employing therapeutic methods involving Complementary Medicine (Apitherapy, Phytotherapy, Aromotherapy, Acupuncture, Acupressure etc.).
· Canada, British Columbia, Langley, Back & Body Clinic, Dr. Timothy Brown, ND (April-June, 1995).
Dates: from August 1991 to 2004
• President of “DAO” Ltd., Constanta, Romania.
• Main activities and responsibilities
*Medical practice in areas of preventive medicine and natural therapies with emphasis on the use of bee products (i.e. honey, propolis, bee venom, royal jelly, bee pollen, bee bread, Apilarnil, etc.).
*Conducted clinical studies on Apitherapy, Acupuncture and Acupressure applied for the diseases of different patients.
*Participated at several international symposiums and has given lectures and courses on Apitherapy, Acupressure and Acupuncture.
* Weekly media presentations (especially on private TV stations like “57+” in Constanta and Etno TV in Bucharest)
*Developed and implemented a computer program “ APITHER ” for offering specific information on bee products and their use for the human and animal health; in December 1995 signed a contract with a German partner for implementing the program in German speaking countries.
*Developed and implemented a computer program “ COMPAC ” for diagnosis and therapy in ACUPUNCTURE , ACUPRESSURE , IRIDOLOGY and related methods (1986-1992).
Dates: 1988 – 1991
Chief Medical Doctor
• Main activities and responsibilities
Medical Doctor in the Department of National Defense, Romanian Navy (Tulcea and Constanta)
*Responsible for medical treatment, disease control & prevention of military personnel in the Navy.
*Conducted studies on Complementary Medicine (Acupuncture, Acupressure and Iridology usefulness for specific Navy conditions and diseases).
Dates: 1985 – 1988
• Occupation or position held
Internship Medical Doctor at Central Military Hospital, Bucharest
• Main activities and responsibilities
*Responsible for medical treatment, disease control & prevention of military personnel.
*Conducted studies on Dermato-Gliphology, Biorhythmology, Electro-Acupuncture Analgesia in Open Heart Surgery and Medical Dowsing.
Education and Training
Dates: September 1975 to December 2014
· 2010-2014: PhD Student at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davilla, Bucharest, Romania. Doctorate subject: “Api-phyto-aromotherapy of viral hepatitis C”.
Date: August 2002
Japan Association of Apitherapy
Diploma as Apipuncturist.
Date: August 2002
Taiwan Association of Apitherapy
Diploma as Apipuncturist.
Date: May 1995
Acupuncture Association of British Columbia, Canada
License as Acupuncturist.
Date: Summer 1994
Black Sea University – summer courses.
Training in theoretical Apitherapy.
Date: Summer 1991
Romanian Apitherapy Center + Apimondia Foundation and IC-DA Libraries,
Bucharest, Romania.
Training in practical and theoretical Apitherapy
Dates: November 12 – December 7, 1990
The Medico-Pharmaceutical Post-Universitary Institute, Bucharest, Romania and the Homeopathy Society of Romania.
* Pre-License as Homeopath.
Dates: 1986-1990
The Medico-Pharmaceutical Post-Graduate Institute, Bucharest, Romania and the Acupuncture Society of Romania.
* License as Acupuncturist.
Dates 1979-1985
Student at the Faculty of General Medicine (military department), Bucharest, Romania, Carol Davilla University.
* License as Medical Doctor (MD)
Dates: 1975-1979
High School (Mathematics and Physics profile), Magurele Physicians town, Bucharest, Romania.
Personal Skills And Competences
Mother Tongue: Romanian
Other Languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian
Reading Skills Excellent For English, French, German And Spanish, Good For Portuguese.
Writing Skills Good For: English, French, German And Spanish.
Verbal Skills Good For: English, French, Spanish And German.
Social Skills and Competences
- President of the German Apitherapy Society (March 13, 1999 – March 2019)
- President of the Romanian Apitherapy Society (since December 08, 2007)
- Founding President of the Francophone Api-Phytotherapy Society (December 2011-December 2013)
- Co-Founder of Francophone Apitherapy Society (March 07, 2008); Vice-President & Formator and Medical Coordinator (2008 2012);
- Co-Founder of “Bees For Life”.
- General Secretary of the International Federation of Apitherapy (since March 20, 2012).
- Member of the American Apitherapy Society (1991-1999); Board Member and webmaster from 1999 to 2001.
- Vice-President of World Propolis Science Forum
- Advisor for Nippon Apitherapy Society
- Trainer for the Lecturer at Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kubang Kerian, Kelantan, Malaysia
- Apitherapy Discussions E-mail Lists Moderator (in English, German, Spanish-Portuguese, French and Romanian) in Google Groups
- Creator and Moderator of various Apitherapy Whatsapp groups (in English, German, French and Romanian languages)
- Owner and webmaster of Apitherapy.com
Has given lectures, courses and has organized or co-organized apitherapy events in over 50 countries.
Mode details on Dr. Stangaciu can be found in his detailed Curriculum vitae