Dr. Rafael Ernesto Felitti Campomar


Titles and Academic Activities

  • 2000- Doctor in Odontology. Faculty of Odontology UDELAR
  • 2003-2009- Assistant title of the Chair of Operatoria II. Faculty of Odontology UDELAR
  • 2011-2012-Assistant title of the Chair of Dental Materials. Faculty of Odontology UDELAR.
  • 2014-Collaborator of the Chair of Buccal Pathology. Faculty of Odontology UCUDAL
  • Postgrade In implants oseintegrados AOU. Length 180 hour.
  • Coordinator of the section Odontology of the International Federation of Apitherapy.

Courses and Conferences

  • 2007-Expositor and congressman in the 34 Days of the Association Odontológica Argentina (AOA)
  • 2008-Expositor Uruguayan Congress of Endodontics.
  • ACT 2008 (Argentina) Expositor in clinical table.
  • 2009-Expositor and Congressman in the 35 J of the AOA.
  • 2011-Expositor in the 36 International congress of the AOA.
  • 2013-Expositor in the 37 International congress of the AOA
  • 2014-Expositor in the Academy International of Dentistry. Division Uruguay
  • Expositor In the first Congress of the International Federation of Apiterapia. Brasov. Romania.
  • Elected like coordinator of the section odontology of the International Federation of Apiterapia.
  • 2015-Course of introduction to the acupuncture school of graduated UDELAR.
  • Conferencist In the 38 International congress of the AOA.

Scientific Articles Published

  • 2002-The buccal nerve and his inervación of the ucosa vestibular inferior. Odontoestomatología. Vol VII num 7.
  • 2014. Propolis in Odontology. Uses and applications. Magazine of the Faculty of Odontology UCUDAL.
  • 2015-Bio-functional Nanodiamond Restorative Materials Containing Bioaditives: in vitro approach. Open Journal of Stomatology 2015,5, 117-126.
  • Chitosan Bio-Activate designer materials and othodontics development. An evaluation of Novel materials ace enamel protective agents. Dentistry –Oral Disorders Therapy. Dic 27, 2015.
  • Nano diamonds containing chitosan gels Ace inter channel medication. From design to application in vitro. Jacobs Journal of Regenerative Medicine. 2015,1(1):004.
  • 2016- Coautor of the capitulos of endodontics, periodoncia, and orthodontics in the book: Biomaterials and Designate Functional Application in Oral cavity. Nova Science Pub Inc. April 30. 2016.

E-mail: rafael.felitti@gmail.com